Results, Reports and Presentations

Capital Markets Day 2019

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Capital Markets Day - Mike CoupeCapital Markets Day - Mike Coupe
We have created a multi brand, multi channel businessWe have created a multi brand, multi channel business
We will help our customers live well for lessWe will help our customers live well for less
Confident in the CoreConfident in the Core
Our integrated customer offerOur integrated customer offer
One multi brand, multi channel businessOne multi brand, multi channel business
Helping our customers live well for lessHelping our customers live well for less
Delivering our food proposition - Paul Mills-HicksDelivering our food proposition - Paul Mills-Hicks
Delivering our food propositionDelivering our food proposition
Product Quality Framework: Our clear, segmented strategyProduct Quality Framework: Our clear, segmented strategy
Reminder of our value opportunityReminder of our value opportunity
Developing our EPP Developing our EPP "owned brands" offer
Expanding the offer –12 brands launchedExpanding the offer –12 brands launched
Gaining customer spend, limited trade-down impactGaining customer spend, limited trade-down impact
Lowered prices in key high volume categoriesLowered prices in key high volume categories
We continue to be less dependent on promotionsWe continue to be less dependent on promotions
More competitive on price than we have ever beenMore competitive on price than we have ever been
Market share progressMarket share progress
Switching losses to discounters reversedSwitching losses to discounters reversed
Gains from premium competitorsGains from premium competitors
Distinctive brandsDistinctive brands
Category tier performance better balancedCategory tier performance better balanced
PQF framework helps us fund investmentPQF framework helps us fund investment
PQF cereals case studyPQF cereals case study
Own brand Value Chain Analysis (VCA)Own brand Value Chain Analysis (VCA)
VCA case study: Spanish fruitVCA case study: Spanish fruit
Delivering our food propositionDelivering our food proposition
Delivering service and convenience - Simon RobertsDelivering service and convenience - Simon Roberts
Delivering service and convenienceDelivering service and convenience
Leveraging our advantaged supermarket portfolioLeveraging our advantaged supermarket portfolio
Driving strong online growth through a highly efficient operating platformDriving strong online growth through a highly efficient operating platform
Convenience: Delivering sustained growthConvenience: Delivering sustained growth
Future fitFuture fit
Store operating model fit for the futureStore operating model fit for the future
Smart Store: Improved service, more efficientSmart Store: Improved service, more efficient
Investment in checkout experienceInvestment in checkout experience
Connected colleaguesConnected colleagues
Improving product availabilityImproving product availability
Connected buildingsConnected buildings
Investing in the coreInvesting in the core
Improving the appeal of our SupermarketsImproving the appeal of our Supermarkets
Improving supermarket customer satisfactionImproving supermarket customer satisfaction
Improving customer satisfaction rankingImproving customer satisfaction ranking
Improving customer satisfaction rankingImproving customer satisfaction ranking
Driving further consistency is a significant opportunityDriving further consistency is a significant opportunity
Delivering service and convenienceDelivering service and convenience
Driving value from our estate - Patrick DunneDriving value from our estate - Patrick Dunne
An advantaged estate with profitable routes to growthAn advantaged estate with profitable routes to growth
Advantaged locationsAdvantaged locations
A flexible leasehold estateA flexible leasehold estate
Argos footprintArgos footprint
Our property strategyOur property strategy
In-store investmentsIn-store investments
Active energy managementActive energy management
Supermarket pipeline reducedSupermarket pipeline reduced
New convenience formatsNew convenience formats
A growth strategy to deliver £120m+ profitA growth strategy to deliver £120m+ profit
Mixed Use DevelopmentMixed Use Development
Mixed Use Development pipelineMixed Use Development pipeline
Sainsbury’s estate reviewSainsbury’s estate review
Argos estate reviewArgos estate review
Estates review: Financial outcomeEstates review: Financial outcome
An advantaged estate with profitable routes to growthAn advantaged estate with profitable routes to growth
Cost transformation - Kevin O'ByrneCost transformation - Kevin O'Byrne
Cost TransformationCost Transformation
Delivering annual savingsDelivering annual savings
Delivering annual savingsDelivering annual savings
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year planStrategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year planStrategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year planStrategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Unique opportunity to deliver structural cost changeUnique opportunity to deliver structural cost change
Cost TransformationCost Transformation
Financial Services strategy - Jim BrownFinancial Services strategy - Jim Brown
Introduction to the new teamIntroduction to the new team
Transforming our Financial Services BusinessTransforming our Financial Services Business
Profits have not kept pace with investmentProfits have not kept pace with investment
Strategic questionsStrategic questions
Financial Services supporting core retail propositionsFinancial Services supporting core retail propositions
We have a wide range of products and servicesWe have a wide range of products and services
Financial Services customers spend more with the GroupFinancial Services customers spend more with the Group
Great assets that Financial Services can leverageGreat assets that Financial Services can leverage
Organisational complexity, lack of scaleOrganisational complexity, lack of scale
Vision, Objective and PrioritiesVision, Objective and Priorities
These actions will reshape the portfolioThese actions will reshape the portfolio
Lower risk and volatilityLower risk and volatility
Deliver value for shareholdersDeliver value for shareholders
Nectar - Mark GivenNectar - Mark Given
Growing Nectar loyalty servicesGrowing Nectar loyalty services
UK's most respected loyalty schemeUK's most respected loyalty scheme
We have transformed Nectar since acquisitionWe have transformed Nectar since acquisition
Powerful, profitable partnership modelPowerful, profitable partnership model
Understanding our customersUnderstanding our customers
Nectar data underpins decision making across Sainsbury'sNectar data underpins decision making across Sainsbury's
Rewarding customers across our brandsRewarding customers across our brands
We have launched a fully digitised NectarWe have launched a fully digitised Nectar
A platform for greater personalisationA platform for greater personalisation
A strategic growth opportunityA strategic growth opportunity
Transforming our shopper marketing and media businessTransforming our shopper marketing and media business
Growing Nectar loyalty servicesGrowing Nectar loyalty services
Digitising the customer journey - Clo MoriartyDigitising the customer journey - Clo Moriarty
Whenever, wherever, however you wantWhenever, wherever, however you want
Investing in our base architectureInvesting in our base architecture
Customer centric convergence and integrationCustomer centric convergence and integration
Digitising the customer journeyDigitising the customer journey
Financial summary - Kevin O'ByrneFinancial summary - Kevin O'Byrne
Consistent cash generation underpins dividend, debt reductionConsistent cash generation underpins dividend, debt reduction
Funding the right value propositionFunding the right value proposition
Managing inflationary cost pressuresManaging inflationary cost pressures
Further opportunitiesFurther opportunities
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year planStrategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Captial expenditureCaptial expenditure
Pensions: Agreed long term sustainable and flexible funding planPensions: Agreed long term sustainable and flexible funding plan
Summary - Mike CoupeSummary - Mike Coupe
We will help our customers live well for lessWe will help our customers live well for less
We will help our customers live well for lessWe will help our customers live well for less
Capital Markets Day - Mike Coupe
Capital Markets Day - Mike Coupe
We have created a multi brand, multi channel business
We have created a multi brand, multi channel business
We will help our customers live well for less
We will help our customers live well for less
Confident in the Core
Confident in the Core
Our integrated customer offer
Our integrated customer offer
One multi brand, multi channel business
One multi brand, multi channel business
Helping our customers live well for less
Helping our customers live well for less
Delivering our food proposition - Paul Mills-Hicks
Delivering our food proposition - Paul Mills-Hicks
Delivering our food proposition
Delivering our food proposition
Product Quality Framework: Our clear, segmented strategy
Product Quality Framework: Our clear, segmented strategy
Reminder of our value opportunity
Reminder of our value opportunity
Developing our EPP "owned brands" offer
Developing our EPP "owned brands" offer
Expanding the offer –12 brands launched
Expanding the offer –12 brands launched
Gaining customer spend, limited trade-down impact
Gaining customer spend, limited trade-down impact
Lowered prices in key high volume categories
Lowered prices in key high volume categories
We continue to be less dependent on promotions
We continue to be less dependent on promotions
More competitive on price than we have ever been
More competitive on price than we have ever been
Market share progress
Market share progress
Switching losses to discounters reversed
Switching losses to discounters reversed
Gains from premium competitors
Gains from premium competitors
Distinctive brands
Distinctive brands
Category tier performance better balanced
Category tier performance better balanced
PQF framework helps us fund investment
PQF framework helps us fund investment
PQF cereals case study
PQF cereals case study
Own brand Value Chain Analysis (VCA)
Own brand Value Chain Analysis (VCA)
VCA case study: Spanish fruit
VCA case study: Spanish fruit
Delivering our food proposition
Delivering our food proposition
Delivering service and convenience - Simon Roberts
Delivering service and convenience - Simon Roberts
Delivering service and convenience
Delivering service and convenience
Leveraging our advantaged supermarket portfolio
Leveraging our advantaged supermarket portfolio
Driving strong online growth through a highly efficient operating platform
Driving strong online growth through a highly efficient operating platform
Convenience: Delivering sustained growth
Convenience: Delivering sustained growth
Future fit
Future fit
Store operating model fit for the future
Store operating model fit for the future
Smart Store: Improved service, more efficient
Smart Store: Improved service, more efficient
Investment in checkout experience
Investment in checkout experience
Connected colleagues
Connected colleagues
Improving product availability
Improving product availability
Connected buildings
Connected buildings
Investing in the core
Investing in the core
Improving the appeal of our Supermarkets
Improving the appeal of our Supermarkets
Improving supermarket customer satisfaction
Improving supermarket customer satisfaction
Improving customer satisfaction ranking
Improving customer satisfaction ranking
Improving customer satisfaction ranking
Improving customer satisfaction ranking
Driving further consistency is a significant opportunity
Driving further consistency is a significant opportunity
Delivering service and convenience
Delivering service and convenience
Driving value from our estate - Patrick Dunne
Driving value from our estate - Patrick Dunne
An advantaged estate with profitable routes to growth
An advantaged estate with profitable routes to growth
Advantaged locations
Advantaged locations
A flexible leasehold estate
A flexible leasehold estate
Argos footprint
Argos footprint
Our property strategy
Our property strategy
In-store investments
In-store investments
Active energy management
Active energy management
Supermarket pipeline reduced
Supermarket pipeline reduced
New convenience formats
New convenience formats
A growth strategy to deliver £120m+ profit
A growth strategy to deliver £120m+ profit
Mixed Use Development
Mixed Use Development
Mixed Use Development pipeline
Mixed Use Development pipeline
Sainsbury’s estate review
Sainsbury’s estate review
Argos estate review
Argos estate review
Estates review: Financial outcome
Estates review: Financial outcome
An advantaged estate with profitable routes to growth
An advantaged estate with profitable routes to growth
Cost transformation - Kevin O'Byrne
Cost transformation - Kevin O'Byrne
Cost Transformation
Cost Transformation
Delivering annual savings
Delivering annual savings
Delivering annual savings
Delivering annual savings
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Unique opportunity to deliver structural cost change
Unique opportunity to deliver structural cost change
Cost Transformation
Cost Transformation
Financial Services strategy - Jim Brown
Financial Services strategy - Jim Brown
Introduction to the new team
Introduction to the new team
Transforming our Financial Services Business
Transforming our Financial Services Business
Profits have not kept pace with investment
Profits have not kept pace with investment
Strategic questions
Strategic questions
Financial Services supporting core retail propositions
Financial Services supporting core retail propositions
We have a wide range of products and services
We have a wide range of products and services
Financial Services customers spend more with the Group
Financial Services customers spend more with the Group
Great assets that Financial Services can leverage
Great assets that Financial Services can leverage
Organisational complexity, lack of scale
Organisational complexity, lack of scale
Vision, Objective and Priorities
Vision, Objective and Priorities
These actions will reshape the portfolio
These actions will reshape the portfolio
Lower risk and volatility
Lower risk and volatility
Deliver value for shareholders
Deliver value for shareholders
Nectar - Mark Given
Nectar - Mark Given
Growing Nectar loyalty services
Growing Nectar loyalty services
UK's most respected loyalty scheme
UK's most respected loyalty scheme
We have transformed Nectar since acquisition
We have transformed Nectar since acquisition
Powerful, profitable partnership model
Powerful, profitable partnership model
Understanding our customers
Understanding our customers
Nectar data underpins decision making across Sainsbury's
Nectar data underpins decision making across Sainsbury's
Rewarding customers across our brands
Rewarding customers across our brands
We have launched a fully digitised Nectar
We have launched a fully digitised Nectar
A platform for greater personalisation
A platform for greater personalisation
A strategic growth opportunity
A strategic growth opportunity
Transforming our shopper marketing and media business
Transforming our shopper marketing and media business
Growing Nectar loyalty services
Growing Nectar loyalty services
Digitising the customer journey - Clo Moriarty
Digitising the customer journey - Clo Moriarty
Whenever, wherever, however you want
Whenever, wherever, however you want
Investing in our base architecture
Investing in our base architecture
Customer centric convergence and integration
Customer centric convergence and integration
Digitising the customer journey
Digitising the customer journey
Financial summary - Kevin O'Byrne
Financial summary - Kevin O'Byrne
Consistent cash generation underpins dividend, debt reduction
Consistent cash generation underpins dividend, debt reduction
Funding the right value proposition
Funding the right value proposition
Managing inflationary cost pressures
Managing inflationary cost pressures
Further opportunities
Further opportunities
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Strategic cost transformation: 5 year plan
Captial expenditure
Captial expenditure
Pensions: Agreed long term sustainable and flexible funding plan
Pensions: Agreed long term sustainable and flexible funding plan
Summary - Mike Coupe
Summary - Mike Coupe
We will help our customers live well for less
We will help our customers live well for less
We will help our customers live well for less
We will help our customers live well for less

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